Get involved

KLEO is passionate about seeing exciting things happen in our community, but we wouldn’t exist without our amazing volunteers. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer, including:
- Helping to set-up marquees and equipment for events
- Providing home baking and helping out on tea and coffee stalls
- Helping make decisions on the KLEO committee
- Delivering leaflets door to door
Please get in touch to find out how you could help.
Local businesses
KLEO is grateful for the support of local businesses and we are always happy to hear from any who want to find out more about partnership working. In addition there are opportunities for you to promote your business, such as through advertising in our festival programme and sponsoring events.
Please get in touch to find out more.
Community Groups and Organisations
KLEO regularly works in partnership with local community groups and we’re keen to support you by, for example, promoting your activities. We’re delighted to have the support of group members who help by volunteering at many of our events, but there’s always room for more!
Please get in touch to find out how we can work together.