
Kinross Kacophony Orchestra (18 Sept)

Venue: Loch Leven Community Campus

Ticket price: £5

Event organiser: KLEO

Kinross Kacophony Orchestra 
Always wanted to play your instrument in a group but never had the opportunity? Get your instruments from the attic and start playing again! We invite all orchestra instruments to come along (all abilities welcome but handy if you read music) and we just see what kind of sound we produce with conductor Dougie Flower

Sessions are on Wednesday evenings from 7.15pm to 9.15pm. This session is at Kinross Parish Church  This block of sessions will run from 4 Sept to 27 Nov.

Fee is £5 a session. Please confirm by email to info@kleo.org.uk if you would like to come. You can either pay per session or for multiple sessions. Please pay by bank transfer with reference 'Kacophony'. Bank details are: Bank Sort Code 80-16-79, Account: 06004103, Kinross-shire Local Events Organisation. 

For more information send an e-mail to info@kleo.org.uk